Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

go here and see some of my things just copy and paste

copy and paste to see some of my things


well after 8 hrs. of working on my 2nd bag im done!i think i was just nervous about it because it was the 1st one that im selling and its for a lady i work!i also finished my 3rd and 4th bag.they only took about 1 1/2 to 2hrs. to make.i think because i was more laid back and they werent made out of burlap.i will post the pics!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

so sleepy

whew i am soooo pooped.after work yesterday i got home, told the kids to grab a snack and go out to play."Mama has got to get busy and start on a friends purse."My second one patern just cut and sew.props to my wonderful inspiration over at PinkandPolkadot.I started at 430 and made myself stop about 10ish last night.Now all i have to do is to add the strap and make a few adgustments!That should take about 2 moreeee hrs. holy cow what have i gotten myself

Monday, March 29, 2010

Friday's Featured Slipcovers

Friday's Featured Slipcovers

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Just thinking today of how blessed that i am to have a roof over my head.We had alot of thunderstorms last night and its a rainy sleepy day today.